Important Announcement for Medicare Recipients

The following is an important reminder that any of our American readers who are on Medicare Insurance should be aware and start thinking about now.

Starting on Oct 15 and finishing on Dec 7, 2017, is the Medicare Open Enrollment period.  During this period, and only during this period you have the option of changing your Medicare Insurance Program and your Part D Drug plan for the upcoming year. 

If you are in one of the Advantage or HMO/PPO plans, we urge that you consider making a change in your plan that will provide you with more freedom and flexibility in your Doctor Choices (Part A), especially if you might want to see a doctor outside of your plan and that will also cover some of the newer second-line Advanced Prostate Cancer Drugs (Part D).

Changing your plan will probably require you to pay a higher monthly premium, but the difference will be wiped out after just two or three doctor visits or one month’s supply of most of these new treatments.   

It is Cancer ABCs’ belief that the superior plans are available through United Health Care sponsored by the American Association of Retired People (AARP).  Cancer ABCs does not have any relationship with either of these organizations. 

You can learn more about Medicare in general at the official government website at

You can learn more about specific plans that are available for you (there are state and regional differences) at  

This is also an official government website. 

Please be careful when you go online to search because the different insurance carriers all have their own websites that search engines will feature.  These are commercial sites designed to have you enroll in their programs, which might not be the best option for you.  Try to stay with the official government websites.

Do not disregard this opportunity to move to a Medicare plan that will allow you more access to needed doctors and treatments.
