A Dive Into the Data Showing African American Men Do Better Than Caucasian Men with Provenge And All Men Live Longer If They Receive Provenge When Their PSA Scores Are Low

 African American men face many different health disparities with most of the disparities being weighed against them.  There is one notable exception, African American (AA) men have a huge, significant overall survival benefit when given Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) equal to 9.5 months over their Caucasian counterparts!

An Update of the NCCN Guidelines for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) serves as a generally accepted cookbook or road map for doctors as they put together treatment plans for their patients.  The NCCN relies on evidence-based findings as well as FDA approvals.  Their guidelines create the standard of care for the treatment of serious disease, including cancer.

As it just did, the NCCN periodically releases updates to their guidelines for prostate cancer treatment.

First Data Release from The Metastatic Prostate Cancer Project

The project’s goal is to have thousands and thousands of men with metastatic prostate cancer share their medical records, their DNA and their tumor tissue so that we can understand the genomics of this disease, learn how it progresses and how resistance to treatments develop. 

ARAMIS: Efficacy and Safety of Darolutamide in Nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

At the recent ASCO GU conference, we learned the results from the ARAMUS phase III trial which evaluated Darolutamide, an androgen receptor (AR) antagonist (a drug that prevents androgens from affecting prostate and prostate cancer cells). The trial studied the efficacy and safety of darolutamide in men with nmCRPC men.

You Can Participate in a Clinical Trial Editorial Panel

Studies consistently show that most clinical trial participants want to know what the research communities learned from their participation, yet most never hear from the sponsor or research site staff at all after a clinical trial has concluded. A growing number of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies have recognized this situation and are closing the loop with their study volunteers by providing clinical trial results summaries, also known as lay language or plain language summaries.

You can participate on an editorial board that produces documents provided to clinical trial participants describing the trial and its results.

Erleada - Soon for Castrate Sensitive Prostate Cancer? 

A preplanned early analysis of the Phase III TITAN trial shows that Erleada (apalutamide) has met the both of the trial’s primary endpoints in the treatment of men with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (CSPC).

Update on the Combination Use of Zytiga and Xofigo

Sub-group analysis of the clinical trial ERA 223 signal that the concerns about the use in combination of Zytiga and Xofigo might not cause a significant increase in the risk for developing bone fractures if a man is also simultaneously on a bone targeted therapy.

The RESPOND STUDY – Understanding the African American Man’s Risk for Prostate Cancer

If you are an African American man and have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you can help us better understand the significant differences that African American men have in risk factors for prostate cancer. 

Predicting Survival During Radium-223 (Xofigo) Treatment 

In a small, 25 man, but significant clinical trial of men with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who also qualified for Radium-223 (Xofigo) it was shown that the level of pain a man has during the treatment could be used as a prognostic tool of his survival.  

Brain Exercise Program Eases Chemobrain in Breast Cancer Survivors - Probably A Similar Result for Men with Prostate Cancer

Use of a computerized brain exercise program designed to help people sharpen their cognitive function was found to be effective against chemo brain in breast Cancer Thrivers and will probably be useful for Cancer Thrivers with any chemo brain.